“Exquisite blending:” a review from the Washington Post

The Washington Post reviewed our performance of early and new music with Folger Consort his past weekend.

Here’s what they had to say about us:

Trio Eos is more than an ensemble of three beautiful voices capable of exquisite blending. It is also three pairs of ears, so acutely tuned that Eos can sing the closest harmony, even the microtonal intervals of Botti, with breathtaking ease and accuracy.

Selections from Soper’s “Songs for Nobody,” Botti’s “Bird Songs” and Ran’s “Credo/Ani Ma’Amin” nestled seamlessly in the bouquet of Hildegard’s “Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations” as though they belonged there. It was a pleasure hearing the creative voices of women, ancient and contemporary, impart a message of beauty and wisdom.


Many heartfelt thanks to Susan Botti, who came out to DC to coach us (and loan us her chimes!) on a challenging and invigorating piece that pushed us out of our comfort zone by requiring us to play percussion while singing.